יש ללחוץ כאן לקריאת המאמר
Academic Articles
“Etat des lieux sur le conflit israelo-palestinien” (Diplomatie, juin 2017)
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“France, Israel and the Jews: The End of an Era?” Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs (2015)
Abstract: It might be too late to repair the social contract between the French republic and its Jews.
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“La globalisation et ses ennemis” In Tensions et defis ethiques dans le monde contemporain (2013)
Resumé: La globalisation de l’après-guerre froide est decriée et critiquee par les opposants du libéralisme. Leurs arguments ne tiennent pas la route.
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“Managing Energy Risks in the 21st Century” Management & Avenir 42 (2011)
Abstract: The emergence of China as a major oil importer is feeding geopolitical tensions with the United States over the securing of oil supplies. The United States is also growingly concerned about the foreign policy goals that Russia promotes thanks to its energy resources. More than any other source of energy, oil is at the core of global geopolitical tensions because of its monopoly over transportation. Those tensions are likely to deteriorate with the expected depletion of oil resources. The solution to this intricate international problem lies in the undoing of oil’s monopolistic status by promoting the use of biofuels and electricity in transportation.
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“J-Call: Un appel a la mauvaise foi” Controverses 15 (2010)
Resumé: Israel n’a pas besoin d’un accord de paix avec les Palestiniens afin de neutraliser la menace demographique.
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“Fueling Conflicts: Oil and Geopolitical Tensions” Tel-Aviv University’s Yuval Neeman Research Papers, 2010
Abstract: Oil is at the core of global geopolitical tensions and of economic downturns, which are likely to deteriorate with the expected depletion of oil resources. Oil and gas importing countries will be more and more dependent on undemocratic and politically unstable regimes– unless they change their energy policies.
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“The Case for the Jewish State” In Korinman and Laughland (eds.), 2007
Abstract: Zionism was not meant to put an end to anti-Semitism or to the Jews’ physical insecurity, but to garantee the Jews’ right to self determination.
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“Israel a-t-il un projet geopolitique?” Herodote 124 (2007)
Resume: Les consequences du retrait unilateral de la Bande de Gaza ont porte atteinte a la credibilite de l’unilateralisme sans pour autant creer une veritable alternative.
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“Plaidoyer pour l’Etat juif” Outre-Terre 9 (2004)
Resume: Le but du sionisme n’est pas de mettre fin a l’antisemitisme ou a l’insecurite physique des Juifs, mais de garantir leur droit a disposer d’eux-memes.
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